Common Faults and Solutions of Oil Filters

2024-06-03 14:12:46 Headman Filter Viewd 370

The oil filter, which plays the role of a "cleaner" in the engine system, is responsible for filtering out the "bad molecules" in the oil - impurities and pollutants, keeping the lubricating oil pure, and allowing the engine to work healthily. However, just like we occasionally catch a cold, the oil filter may also get sick - some minor faults may occur, which may greatly reduce the performance of the engine and even shorten its life. So, what are the "headaches and fevers" that oil filters usually have? And how to "cure" them? Now, let's uncover these secrets!

1. Common faults of oil filters

Filter blockage

Filter blockage is a common problem. You know, the mess in the oil piles up more and more, and over time, the filter element in the filter is tightly blocked. In this way, the oil can't flow, and the problem comes.

Filter leakage

Filter leakage problems often come from installation errors, aging or damaged seals. This leakage not only leads to oil waste, but more seriously, it may also lead to insufficient engine lubrication.

Filter deformation

The filter may be deformed when it is subjected to external impact or excessive internal pressure. The deformed filter will affect the oil circulation and may even cause damage to the oil pump.

Filter element damage

The most important thing in the filter is the filter element. If this thing is broken, the dirt cannot be filtered out and will go directly into the engine, causing the engine parts to wear faster. So, once the filter element has a problem, our car may suffer.

Oil pressure is too high or too low

Oil filter failure may cause abnormal oil pressure. Too high or too low oil pressure will have an adverse effect on the engine. Too high oil pressure may be caused by filter blockage, and too low oil pressure may be caused by filter damage or poor sealing.

2. Solution to oil filter failure

Replace the oil filter regularly

Don't forget to give its "heart" - the filter, a regular "blood transfusion". Usually, whenever we change the oil for our car, we should also give the oil filter a big update. However, how often should we change it? It depends on how you "abuse" your car, and the manufacturer's tips!

Correctly install the oil filter

During the installation of the oil filter, we first need to ensure the integrity of the seal ring, without any damage, and install it correctly to the designated position. Next, we need to use the appropriate force to tighten the filter. This force should not be too large or too small. Too large may cause the filter to break, and too small may cause leakage. Although this process seems simple, we need to do it carefully at every step. Only in this way can we ensure the correct installation of the oil filter and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Check the seal ring

Regularly check the seal ring of the oil filter and replace it in time if it is found to be aging or damaged. When installing a new filter, a layer of engine oil should be applied to the seal ring to ensure a good sealing effect.

Use high-quality filters

Choose reliable oil filter products and avoid using inferior filters. High-quality filter materials and manufacturing processes can effectively improve the filtering effect and service life.

Monitor oil pressure

Regularly check the engine oil pressure to ensure that the oil pressure is within the normal range. If the oil pressure is abnormal, the oil filter and other related components should be checked in time to find out the cause of the failure and repair it.

Clean the oil system

When replacing the oil filter, you can properly clean the oil system to remove the deposited dirt and impurities, keep the oil flowing smoothly, and reduce the burden on the filter.

Avoid violent driving

The kind of driving style that slams on the accelerator and brakes wildly is not a good thing for the car. Driving like this will make your engine wear faster and produce more pollutants. Moreover, doing so will put a lot of pressure on the oil filter. But if you can treat your car gently, such as driving steadily and maintaining it regularly, your oil filter can last longer!

3. Summary

The oil filter is the guardian of the engine, protecting the heart of our beloved vehicle from pollution. Understanding its common faults and solutions is like having a key that allows us to quickly open the door to healthy operation and ensure the smooth operation and long-term companionship of the engine. Regularly replacing and carefully maintaining this small but powerful component is a deep care for the performance and safety of your car. As a car owner, we should formulate a reasonable maintenance and replacement plan based on actual usage so that small negligence will not lead to big problems.